März 15
We are in the midst of a cultural world. From theatre to circus to visual arts, understanding how the world is conected and comes together is increasingly important. That’s where learning and understanding life comes in. Your don’t have to be a star, but everybody should have some basic knowledge of working with arts and more to understand how the social circus will be implemented in a relief program for refugees in camps.
And art is something you can learn yourself and with other people together. While some may prefer the traditional classroom route, there are a great number of resources of workshops to help you learn the basics (and even some advanced techniques). What’s even better is that many of these resources are free for the young people. Some even come in the form of games to expedite learning in a fun way.
Understanding art for relief and learning really is a logical and practical skill for today’s life. It might even be one that future survival can’t be successful without. Our workhops are a collection of great places you can learn and join itn:
The program includes plenty of challenges that help you practice in a fun way, and you can earn badges for achievements. Skill areas include theatre, play, games, stiltwalking, jugling and basic knolegde about helath and body.
Jan. 15
Team of Trainers
And code is something you can learn yourself. While some may prefer the traditional classroom route, there are a great number of resources online to help you learn the basics (and even some advanced techniques) starting today. What’s even better is that many of these resources are free. Some even come in the form of games to expedite learning in a fun way.
März 01
Seit 1994 trägt das Theater den Namen «die Stelzer» und hat das Genre «Theater auf Stelzen» gezielt als professionelle Darstellungsform von Theater im öffentlichen Raum entwickelt.
Das Ensemble verzichtet bewußt auf eine Bühne. Die Schauspieler spielen statt dessen inmitten des Publikums auf Stelzen bis zu einer Höhe von zwei Meter. Die Produktionen umfassen lebende Bilder, Performance und Freilichttheater. Mit Gastspielen und Theater-Workshops ist das Theater international tätig.
Das Theater wir seit 1999 von Wolfgang Hauck und Peter Pruchniewitz geleitet.